Eight Years of Blogging

I'm Still Going

The Year in Review

It’s crazy to think that I’ve been blogging for eight years at this point. I honestly never thought it would come to anything more than what it has but I’m happy to have every single one of you with me on this journey.

February 2022

This started it all. I made the decision after rebranding the free Wordpress blog in April 2021 to finally pay to have the blog hosted. I purchased the url and went with GoDaddy. There have been some issues along the way but all of them have been easily fixed.

April 2022

The hosted blog launched on April 19, 2022, with a new theme and all the fun plans. I started my newsletter “The Monthly Rewind” and sucked at keeping up with it, but that’s okay.

I also established we were going to be seeing a new blog post scheduled of two posts a month and shockingly to me, I stuck to that. It was a schedule that I could manage. And yes, some months there were more posts, but that was because I wanted to include them.

August 2022

The best thing that I could have ever had happen actually happened. I never imagined I would have been announcing to you via posts on Instagram, my blog, TikTok, etc. that I have an affiliate code!

That’s right! If this is your first time on the newsletter circuit I got an affiliate code for Hey, Mavens! - one of my favorite small shops here in Nashville. You can use “MAGNOLIASANDCRYSTALS” to get 10% off your order. I get 10% of that purchase when you shop. It’s not much, but it’s nice! You can also use my referral link here and check out the site.

October 2022

While I attempted to do the 31 Days of Samhain content I always do on Instagram, life kind of got crazy. We had a death in my family and I had some other personal stuff going on so that was scrapped in favor of self-care.

December 2022

December’s 12 Days of Yule faced the same backlash as it turned into another crazy month for me. I was being tugged a million different ways, ended up with the flu in the middle of it, and was dealing with some other personal things.


It has been so nice to star the year off with content in mind. It’s been shockingly easy thanks to the 2022 plan of only doing two blog posts a month and sneaking in extras where I can for you all that has really set me up well this year.

I started implementing Trello into my organizing and it has also really helped in regard to getting blog posts planned out extra early. I’ve been able to work on things in greater detail. It’s been really nice feeling like at least blogging is better organized. I’m still working on other things for you.

What’s next?

Well, this year you are going to see a ton of changes coming to the blog. The first off is the addition of the privacy page. This has been a work in progress for me for a while now but it is finally live!

In addition to this page, you’ll also have noticed that there are some additional pages on the blog. I’ve added a simple about page for myself, but also you’ll see that JVTZ Studios - who I have regularly tagged on Instagram in posts - has a dedicated page as the official graphic designer and photographer for the blog.

There are some other things in the works. The credit page only has two credits on it currently in draft status, and I would like to have more before posting it. But it is coming. There are other things coming, but I am gonna keep those close to the chest for now.

And at the end of all this, thank you.

I’m serious though. Thank you for being part of this journey. Thank you for being here and cheering me on. I appreciate it more than you know, and I cannot wait to see where the next year goes.

My love,