The Monthly Rewind: July 2023

Creativity Is Down

Hello, friend,

Life has been crazy the last month or so. I’ve been extremely quiet on social media because I’ve been in an absolute creative slump.

What Happened in July?

July kicked off with a trip down to see my friends in Atlanta, GA. Katherine stayed with her grandma while I went for my visit. Unfortunately on my last day in town, we were visiting a metaphysical shop that happened to have a staircase on a hill. Thanks to my weak ankles - mainly the right one - I ended up with a pretty well sprained right ankle. I ended up hanging with my mom until the Sunday after.

The rest of the month has been pretty quiet. My energy wasn’t the best and I really needed to just take time for me this month. I honestly haven’t even been that inspired and instead spent the month reading a lot. I essentially finished 8 books.

Most notable of the eight completed this month were the two that are part of the Shades of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab. I enjoyed them so much that I ended up giving a coworker my paperbacks and ordering the hard copies of the three books.

What's in the Cards for August?

To be honest, I don’t have a lot of plans for August right now. The heat is stifling here so the chances of going to do things are very unlikely. And it is also fair to say that I don’t do well in the heat so I am longing for Autumn to be here already.

In truth, I’m spending the next month or so prepping to go out of town in October to see one of my friends in Arizona - which will also be my first plane flight since I was 3 months old. So there is that, but that’s it.

Twitch News & Schedule

As an update, I’m going to try to get back into my streaming scheduled. However, I’m not going to be announcing what we’re playing for a while just because I’ve kind of gone on a deep dive into a couple specific games.

You’ll just have to tune in to see what we’re up to.

Last Reminders

My only referral link exists for Hey, Mavens! (pssst that's the referral link) and you can use my referral code "MAGNOLIASANDCRYSTALS" to get 10% off your order with them. I do make a tiny commission off this. However, it is totally worth it because you're gonna get comfy undies.

I apologize for the major lack of content in the past month, but I am hoping to see this month be a little easier on my creativity.

Although I might have some fun news to share depending on how some stuff pans out.

My love,