Twitch News May 30th - June 9th

Weeks 1 & 2

Hey, friend,

We’re heading into June and I’m so sorry this is late! I was on vacation and didn’t want to really break the relaxation that was going on.

Twitch Goals

  • Goal of 50 Followers

    • We are currently at 37 followers which means we only need 13 more to hit this goal!

  • Hit Affiliate Status:

    • Stream for 8 hours minimum - CHECK

    • Stream on Seven Different Days - Always working on keeping this up.

    • Average of 3 viewers - We're holding steady at one. So even if you aren't watching please tune in and just let it play in the background! But also feel free to chat. I love the company.

Week One

May 30th - 7:30pm CST

We’re going to have some fun and keep going with Aloy in her mission to save the world and rebuild GAIA’s programming. Turns out I’m not that far into the game and I’m ready to find out more about these people who randomly showed up in the game.

June 2nd - 6:30pm CST

We’re going to keep going with Assassin’s Creed: Origins because I still have a lot of stuff to uncover so that Layla can head back to Alexandria with William Miles.

Week Two

June 6th - 7:30pm

Returning to space this week with Mass Effect. I figure I need to take care of that Sandworm that kept attacking me on that one planet.

June 9th - 6:30pm

I’m debating what we will be playing this Friday right now. I’m leaning towards playing some Marvel Avengers but we may poke at another Assassin’s Creed game depending on my mood.

And that's it for the first two-ish weeks of June. Come join in all the fun and make sure to follow me on Twitch so you can be notified when I am live.

My love,