Twitch News: A Special Stream

A Trip to the Salon

Hey, friend,

I know it has been a while since I’ve sent one of these updates out.

This one is a little special though because I’m teaming up with the always lovely, Tiffany Deguira, to talk all about hair on July 27th at 2pm Central.

We’ve got a whole lot planned to cover as far as topics go, but do you know what would make this even better?


We want to hear the questions straight from you during our stream. So come join us on either Twitch or YouTube (because we’re going to be doing it on both) and as those questions you’re dying (see what I did there) to know!

Twitch Goals

  • Goal of 50 Followers

    • We are currently at 39 followers which means we only need 11 more to hit this goal!

And that, my friend, is all I have for you right now. I’m still working on my updated streaming schedule but life has been a bit crazy lately. I hope that once we get to August, things will have settle enough for me to commit some time to doing some streams and getting a new schedule to you all!

My love,